Wellness – Health Care Professional

Older Adults and Care Partners

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Organizations Supporting Mental Health and Wellbeing in Older Adults

For clinicians, the first step in creating hope is to understand the patient's current goals. This involves gaining an understanding of how the patient views their probable future state and exploring the possible ways the future could be better than expected, even if an initially stated goal cannot be achieved (Mylod et al., 2023).

Discover Our Resources

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Are you a health care or social service professional? 

Having hope is about positive outcome, quality of life, awareness of probable futures and acceptance of circumstances.

Make your communication hopeful with these 6 tips for hopeful communication with your patient or client.


Read the following publication on hope

Giving Hope as a High Reliability Function of Health Care (2023)

This article defines Hope in a new way by quantifying Hope as the delta or increase in one's belief that a future positive state can be achieved.


Watch the webinar on Hope in clinical settings

Bringing Hope Into Your Clinicial Practice (2024)
Presented by Dr. Ronna Jevne, PhD and Peter Snow, MA, MSW, Knowledge Broker, CCSMH
Presentation on hopeful communication in clinical healthcare settings. In this webinar, they review why hope is important for healthcare outcomes, how hope can be operationalized, and how to find hope for yourself and your clients.


Discover the National ECHO webinars on wellness and mental health

Promoting wellness and mental health (2021)

Presented by Dr. Kerri-Leigh Cassidy, Geriatric Psychiatrist.

Engaging caregivers and care partners (2021)

Presented by Dr. Jasmeet Parmar and Dr. Sharon Anderson.